John Wyndham Biography
John Wyndham pseudonym of John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris born July 10 1903 Birmingham Warwickshire Engdied March 11. Wyndham lived in Edgbaston Birmingham until 1911 as well as many parts of England.
The Midwich Cuckoos John Wyndham Books Wyndham Cuckoo

John Wyndham Was Born In Birmingham Warwickshire On July 10th 1903 And Passed Away On March 11th 1969 Fiction Writer Science Fiction Novels Science Fiction
John Wyndham Was Born In Birmingham Warwickshire On July 10th 1903 And Passed Away On March 11th 1969 Fiction Writer Science Fiction Novels Science Fiction
Journey And Destination Chocky By John Wyndham 1968 Imaginary Friend Now And Then Movie Unusual Art
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The Day Of The Triffids John Wyndham Science Fiction Science Fiction Novels Sci Fi Books
The Chrysalids Penguin Books Covers Penguin Books Dystopian Novels
The Chrysalids United States Title Re Birth By John Wyndham Is By Far My Favorite Book Best Dystopian Novels Dystopian Books Dystopian Novels
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